There are now even more reasons to join ISHA - The Hip Preservation Society!
A full list of benefits can be seen adjacent, but the upcoming highlights available exclusively to ISHA Members in Good Standing include …
– A significant discount on registration for our Annual Scientific Meeting: This year’s meeting will take place in Washington, DC on 17-19 October 2024 and will focus on the exciting future of hip preservation.
– Ability to apply for the ISHA International Travelling Fellowship (applications open January 2024): This Fellowship provides the opportunity for two hip surgeons, who are within 5 years of starting their independent practice, to follow an international fellowship programme with some of the leading surgeons in hip preservation.
– Opportunity to serve on ISHA committees: Over the coming weeks, the ISHA Board is looking to expand and diversify the membership of committees, welcoming any member in good standing to put forward an expression of interest – a great way to help shape the future of the Society while adding to your CV or resume!
– Ability to apply for ISHA Research Grants (applications open December 2023): In 2024 ISHA will issue two new grants intended to support emerging, important research in various fields of hip preservation.
– Ability to apply for Regional Travelling Fellowship Bursaries (applications open January 2024): These new bursaries will provide financial support and access to regional experts for trainees in the LATAM, MEAF and Asia/Pac zones who have an interest in hip preservation to develop further skills and knowledge with an expert within their region over a period of 7 – 10 days.